Bla d e h e d g e
t rim m e r
Instruction manual
Im p o rt a n t !
Read this instruction manual carefully
before first operation and strictly observe
the safety regulations!
9 129 101 english
In d e x
1. Sa fe t y re g u la t io n s ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 General safety instructions
1.2 Working clothes
1.3 Fuelling
1.4 When transporting the equipment
1.5 Maintenance and repairs
1.6 Preparing the equipment for starting
1.7 Starting
1.8 Working with the machine
2. St a n d a rd d e live ry ...................................................................................................................... 7
3. Co n t ro l a n d fu n ct io n e le m e n t s ................................................................................................ 7
4. Fu e llin g ....................................................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Fuel information
4.2 Mixing ratio
4.3 Fuelling
5. St a rt in g / St o p p in g t h e e n g in e ................................................................................................. 8
5.1 Half throttle start position
5.2 Choke and primer
5.3 Starting
5.4 Engine will not start:
5.5 Turning off the engine:
6. Ad ju st in g t h e h a n d le a n d m it re g e a r .................................................................................... 10
7. Usin g yo u r b la d e h e d g e t rim m e r ........................................................................................... 10
7.1 Scope of Application
7.2 Correct operation of your blade hedge trimmer
7.3 Decorative cutting
8. Op e ra t in g a n d m a in t e n a n ce in st ru ct io n s .............................................................................. 12
8.1 Blade
8.2 Gear lubrication
8.3 Air Filter Maintenance
8.4 Carburettor adjustment
8.5 Information about the spark plug
8.6 Information about the silencer
8.7 Replacing the fuel filter
8.8 Shutdown and storage
8.9 Scheduled maintenance
9. Sp e cifica t io n ............................................................................................................................ 16
10. Acce sso rie s ............................................................................................................................. 17
11. Pa rt s su b je ct t o w e a r a n d t e a r ............................................................................................. 17
12. Gu a ra n t e e ............................................................................................................................... 17
Safety regulations
1. Sa fe t y re g u la t io n s
1.1 General safety instructions
Read the operating instructions carefully before placing in service and keep them in a safe place.
Use this power tool with particular caution.
Non-observance of safety instructions can lead to a risk to life. Also observe any regulations from your professional body.
These operating instructions must always be available at the place of work. All individuals instructed to work with the
equipment (including maintenance, care and repair), should read these instructions.
When operating in highly flammable vegetation and in areas affected by drought, keep a fire extinguisher handy (risk of
You should request and receive instructions from the vendor on the safe operation if you are using this type of product
for the first time.
This machine may only be used within the prescribed scope of application as stated in section 7.1 "Scope of Application".
Children and young people under 18 years may not work with this power tool, with the exception of young people over
16 years of age who are being trained under supervision.
The power tool can be operated easily - even on start-up - by one person. Keep bystanders and animals away from the
working area. Maintain a minimum distance of 5 m. When working near thickets, be aware that children and animals may
be hidden there. Immediately stop the machine and the cutter if any person or animal comes close to the working area.
The operator is responsible for any accidents or damage caused to parties or property.
This machine may only be passed on or lent to third parties if they are familiar with the safe use of this product and with
these instructions. Always supply the manual with the machine.
Ensure you are rested and in good health when using this machine.
Persons under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription drugs, are not allowed to use this machine, as their
ability to quickly react to potential danger may be impaired.
Never alter, change or modify any safety equipment or functional assemblies on this machine.
Only use this machine if it is in good, safe condition. Always check the machine prior to use. Risk o f a ccid e n t !
Only use those accessories and attachments that have been supplied by the manufacturer and that are expressly approved
for attachment.
The reliability and safe operation of your machine depend on the quality of parts used with the machine. Only use
original spare parts. Original spare parts are identical with genuine production parts and guarantee best quality in
material, dimensions, function and safety. Original parts and accessories are available from your specialist dealer. Your
dealer has been supplied with appropriate documentation to determine the correct parts. Your dealer is frequently
supplied with updates about improvements to the equipment. Please note that the use of non-original parts will void your
Always store the machine in a safe place and in such a way that it will not pose any danger. Stop the engine when the
machine is not used.
Persons who disregard safety instructions, operating or maintenance instructions may be liable for any damage or
consequential losses.
1.2 Working clothes
To prevent injuries, always wear suitable clothing and safety equipment when working with this power tool. This clothing
should be practically oriented to the application (for example a tight fitting work suit), but should not be confining.
We recommend:
SOLO fo re st a n d co u n t rysid e w o rk ja cke t EN 340 Part no: 99 303 000 + size (2[s] - 6[xxl])
SOLO Ou t d o o r Kn e e -b re e ch e s Part no: 99 020 95 + size
SOLO Ou t d o o r d u n g a re e s Part no: 99 020 94 + size
Never wear scarves, ties, jewellery or other items of clothing, which might get caught in the equipment, in brush or on
branches. Safely tie back long hair (use a cap, helmet or similar)..
Wear sturdy shoes with a good tread - ideally safety shoes.
We recommend: SOLO le a t h e r fo re st b o o t s Part no: 99 305 00 + size (36 - 48).
Wear protective gloves with non-slip palms.
We recommend: SOLO Fit Part no: 99 390 1200 (one size).
Use ear defenders and/or a visor for protection against flying objects or objects caught up in the turbulence (protective
goggles for example). Wear a protective helmet to protect against injury due to falling cuttings.
We recommend: SOLO p ro t e ct ive h e lm e t w it h fa ce a n d e a r p ro t e ct io n Part no: 99 390 1100 (one size).
Safety regulations
1.3 Fuelling
Petrol is very light and highly flammable. Keep away from open flames and never spill fuel. Do not smoke at the
operating site or at and near the refuelling site!
Stop the engine prior to refuelling.
Let the engine cool down before refuelling - fire risk!
Open the tank lid slowly to allow any excess pressure in the tank to be reduced without the risk of petrol spraying out.
Fuel may contain substances similar to solvents. Prevent products made from mineral oil coming into contact with skin and
eyes. Wear protective gloves during filling with fuel. Frequently change and clean protective clothing.
Avoid breathing in fuel vapour.
The refuelling site should be well ventilated.
Avoid any soil spillage of fuel or oil (protection of the environment). Use a suitable mat.
Immediately clean any spilled fuel on the machine. Change contaminated clothing without delay.
Firmly tighten all tank lids. This will reduce the risk of spillage from lids, which have become loose from engine vibrations.
Check for petrol leaks. Do not start the machine or work with the machine if there is a petrol leak. Life threatening risk
from burns!
Store fuel and oil in approved and correctly labelled containers.
1.4 When transporting the equipment
Always turn off the engine when transporting the machine.
Never carry or transport this maschine with the engine running.
Always ensure that the blade is secured before transporting the tool over longer distances.
To prevent fuel running out and associated damages, secure the equipment against tipping over during vehicle
transportation. Check the tank for leaks. It is advisable to drain the tank before transportation.
Drain the tank before despatching the equipment.
1.5 Maintenance and repairs
Regularly service this machine. Only carry out those maintenance jobs and repairs, which are described in this manual. A
specialised service centre will carry our all other jobs.
Do not maintain, repair or store the machine near an open flame.
Before cleaning, maintenance and repair work, always stop the engine first and pull the spark plug cap. Exceptions:
carburettor and idle adjustments.
For any repairs only use original parts from the manufacturer.
Do not modify, alter or change the machine as this may impact on the safe operation of the machine and may lead to
accidents and injuries!
1.6 Preparing the equipment for starting
Check the complete machine for operational safety. In a d d it io n to the information in the operating and maintenance
instructions (chapter 8), implement the following checks:
The stop switch should function properly.
The throttle must have freedom of movement and return to the idle position on its own accord.
The cutter and both handles must be tightly secured and in perfect working order.
Ensure the spark plug cap and the ignition cable are connected firmly. A loose connection may cause a spark, which can
ignite any existing fuel:air mixture - fire hazard!
Should the check reveal any irregularities or recognisable damage (also to the frame), incorrect adjustments or reduced
efficiency of the machine, do not commence work. Take the power tool to a specialised workshop and have it checked.
1.7 Starting
Start the machine no less than 3 metres from the refuelling location. Never start the machine in an enclosed space.
Ensure that you are standing firmly on the ground when starting. Always start on even ground, with a firm grip on the
power tool.
Continue with the starting procedure as described in section 5. "Starting/Stopping the engine".
Check the idle speed setting after starting. The cutter must not move at idle speed.
Safety regulations
1.8 Working with the machine
Environmental protection:
- Avoid excessive noise and exhaust fumes when operating this power tool, and never run the engine unnecessarily.
Ensure compliance with any local noise regulations.
- Ensure compliance with any local regulations concerning the cutting of hedges or periods where such work is
- Before commencing such work, ensure that no birds are nesting in your hedges. If you do discover nesting birds,
postpone the work or avoid this area when trimming your hedges.
- To avoid harming any other animals you may find in your hedges, check under all hedges before trimming and scare
any animals away.
- Dispose of any cuttings in an environmentally responsible manner (for example, by composting).
Only use this power tool when it is complete and in a safe condition.
As soon as the engine is running, the power tool generates toxic gases, which may be invisible and odourless. Never
work with the power tool in enclosed spaces. In confined conditions such pits or excavations, ensure adequate air
changes during work.
Do not smoke at the work site and in the immediate vicinity of the power tool. There is an increased fire hazard!
Work conscientiously, thoughtfully and calmly, and do not endanger third parties.
- Pay attention to good visibility and lighting conditions.
- Never work near a HV line or other 'live' cables.
- Always remain within earshot of other people who can provide help in case of emergency.
- Plan for timely work breaks.
- Pay attention to possible hazards and take appropriate precautions. Be aware that wearing ear defenders reduces the
ability to perceive noise. This includes sounds alerting to danger such as signals, shouts, etc. that can go unnoticed.
- Exercise caution when the ground is wet or covered in ice and snow, on overhangs, or uneven terrain. There is an
increased risk of slipping!
- Pay attention to the risk of stumbling and obstacles, such as tree roots and stumps, edges, etc. Pay particular attention
to safety when working on slopes.
- Before commencing work, check the working area for stones, broken glass, nails, wire or other solid objects and remove
such debris to prevent them being picked up and thrown out by the cutters.
- Always hold this power tool firmly in both hands, and ensure your safe and solid foothold.
- Keep all body parts away from the blades. Always cut away from your body.
- Always cut in an efficient and correct manner (see chapter 7.2 "Correct operation of your blade hedge trimmer ").
- Never touch the ground with your running hedge trimmer.
- Never use the hedge trimmer to lift away or move pieces of wood or similar materials.
- Only use the device with sharp and undamaged blades and avoid damaging the blade on foreign objects.
Switch the engine off if the device behaves in any way unusually.
Due to the centrifugal clutch, the cutters will run on for a short time, even if you release the throttle. Ensure the cutter
has come to a full stop before storing the machine.
Always stop the engine before any contact with the cutter – even when clearing a blockage or if cutters have become
jammed – wait until the cutter has stopped and remove the spark plug cap.
Never touch the exhaust or the silencer; as long as they are still hot, there is a risk of burns!
Never work with a defective or missing silencer. There is a hazard of hearing damage and burning!
First Aid
A first aid box should always be available on-site. Immediately replace any materials you have used:
Over exposing persons with circulatory problems to vibrations can lead to damage to their nervous system or blood vessels.
The following systems may occur from vibrations to fingers, hands or the wrists: Numbness, itching, pain, twinges, changes to
the colour of the skin or the skin itself. Seek medical advice if you experience any of these symptoms.
Standard delivery ; Control and function elements
2. St a n d a rd d e live ry
Bla d e h e d g e t rim m e r
Cu t t in g b la d e p ro t e ct o r
Sh o u ld e r st ra p
To o ls: combination spanner and screw driver
In st ru ct io n m a n u a l
3. Co n t ro l a n d fu n ct io n e le m e n t s
Cutting blade and gear:
Fig. 1
Fig. 1:
Cutting blade sheath
Cutting blades
Cutter gearbox
Fig. 2
Angular gear
Angular gear grease nipple
Cutting edge angle straining screw
Pivoting lever
Fig. 2:
Cutter gearbox grease nipple
Cutting edge angle guide
10 Shaft tube straining screw
11 Fixing screw
12 Clutch mid-section grease nipple
Engine and handle
Fig. 3
Fig. 3: 13 Stop-switch
14 Throttle lever
15 Throttle lock
16 Half throttle lock
17 Loop handle
18 Choke lever
19 Primer
20 Fuel cap
21 Starter grip
22 Air filter cover
23 Harness rail
24 Anti-vibration system
25 Quick acting tension screw
26 Sparkplug cap
Fuelling ; Starting / Stopping the engine
4. Fu e llin g
5. St a rt in g / St o p p in g t h e e n g in e
5.1 Half throttle start position
4.1 Fuel information
A high performance two-stroke engine operated
with a petrol:oil mixture (petrol + oil = fuel mixture)
or with a special fuel mixture for two-stroke engines
available from specialists powers this machine. The
fuel mixture can be made up with standard lead-
free petrol or with lead-free premium grade petrol.
The minimum octane rating for petrol is 92 ROZ.
Fig. 4
Unsuitable petrol or deviations in the mixing ratio
may lead to serious engine damage!
Avoid direct skin contact with petrol and
avoid inhaling petrol fumes - health hazard!
4.2 Mixing ratio
Always use a fuel:oil ratio of 25:1 (4% ) for the first
five tank fillings.
Move the stop switch (13) to "Start".
After that we recommend a ratio of 50:1 (2% ) with
the use of special two-stroke oil "SOLO 2T engine
oil" which we can supply.
Grip the handle; the safety locking key (15) is
activated via the grip area, which also enables
throttle lever (14) to be regulated.
With the use of other brand two-stroke oils we
recommend a ratio of 25:1 (4% ).
Press throttle lever (14) fully down.
Press the half throttle lock (16), and let the
throttle lever return, whilst holding the half
throttle lock in.
Never store fuel mixture longer than 3 - 4 weeks.
Fu e l m ixt u re t a b le
Pe t ro l in
lit re s
Oil in lit re s
5.2 Choke and primer
SOLO 2T engine oil
Other two-
stroke oils
4% (25 : 1)
2% (50 : 1)
Fig. 5
4.3 Fuelling
While fuelling always follow all safety instructions
and take all safety precautions.
Handle fuel only with the engine turned off.
Carefully clean the area around the filler inlet.
Place the machine with the fuel inlet pointing
upwards. Unscrew the tank lid and fill the fuel
mixture up to the lower edge of the filler neck. Use
a funnel with filter to prevent tank contamination.
After filling the tank replace the tank lid and
tighten firmly.
Adjust choke (18) as follows:
With a cold engine, position choke lever (18)
down towards "Close"
With a warm engine, position choke lever (18) up
towards "Open"
When first starting or if the fuel tank has been
completely drained and has been refilled, press
primer (19) several times (at least 5x) until the fuel is
visible in the plastic bulb..
Starting / Stopping the engine
Always manually guide the rope back into its
start position with your hand on the starter grip -
do not let it retract on its own.
5.3 Starting
Observe the safety instructions when starting.
No t e : Your new brushcutter is, as standard, fitted
with the " Ea sy-St a rt -Syst e m " . This enables the
engine to be started without major effort. By
pulling on the starter cord – perhaps several times –
a spring box is loaded inside the starter. For this,
you do not need to pull quickly. The engine will
start automatically, as soon as sufficient tension has
accumulated. This may also happen when the starter
cord returns to its rest position.
A specialist can replace a damaged starter rope.
Once the engine runs, briefly pull the throttle back
to release the half throttle detent. Release the
throttle lever again to allow the engine to run at
idle speed. Now you can commence working.
5.4 Engine will not start:
If the engine fails to start after several attempts,
check whether all adjustments described above have
been correctly carried out, particularly that the stop
switch is n o t in the "STOP" position. Try starting
once again. The combustion chamber will be
flooded, if the engine still fails to start.
Fig. 6
In that case we recommend you proceed as follows:
Remove the spark plug cover.
Pull the spark plug cap off the spark plug.
Remove the spark plug and dry fuel mixture from
the electrodes.
Move the throttle lever up to full throttle. Pull
the starter handle several times (with removed
spark plug) to clear the combustion chamber.
Move the throttle lever down to idling position,
refit the spark plug, the plug cap and the plug
Place the power tool flat on a clear, flat surface and
ensure that the blade is not touching any other
object. If necessary, position something under the
shaft a little in front of the mitre gear.
During starting, never stand or kneel on the shaft
tube, otherwise the shaft or the tube might be
Start the engine with the choke lever up ( ) and
the stop switch in the "Start" position.
5.5 Turning off the engine:
Release the throttle and push the stop switch to
Take up a safe position, securely hold the machine
and ensure that the cutter does not touch any
objects or the ground.
Im p o rt a n t : Due to the centrifugal clutch, the cutter
will run on for a short time, even if you release the
throttle. Ensure the cutter has come to a full
standstill before storing the machine.
If the engine is cold:
With the choke lever down ( ), pull the starter cord
several times in a straight line, until you can hear
the engine firing.
Em e rg e n cy st o p Should the engine – due to a
faulty stop switch – fail to stop, it can also be
stopped by closing the choke (choke lever in
position ). Aft e r su ch a n e ve n t , d o n o t re st a rt
t h e e n g in e , b u t h a ve t h e e q u ip m e n t ch e cke d
b y a n a u t h o rise d se rvice sh o p .
Immediately afterwards, move the choke lever up
). Continue starting until the engine turns over.
If the engine is warm:
With the choke lever up ( ), start until the engine
turns over.
The following instructions are aimed at increasing
the service life of the starter rope and of the starter
Pull the starter cord out, until you can feel a
definite resistance; then pull it through quickly
and firmly.
Always pull the rope out in a straight line, do not
let the rope drag across the edge of the rope
Do not pull rope all the way out - risk of the rope
Adjusting the handle and mitre gear ; Using your blade hedge trimmer
6. Ad ju st in g t h e h a n d le a n d m it re g e a r
7. Usin g yo u r b la d e h e d g e t rim m e r
Always turn off the engine before any installation
or adjustment; place the stop switch in position
"Stop" and if necessary wait until the blade has
7.1 Scope of Application
The blade hedge trimmer must only be used to trim
hedges, shrubs and bushes.
Never use the hedge trimmer for any other purpose.
Fig. 7
The maximum thickness of twigs and branches,
which can be cut by this hedge trimmer, depends on
the type of wood, its age, its moisture content and
Thicker twigs and branches can be trimmed to the
required length with pruning shears before cutting
with the hedge trimmer.
7.2 Correct operation of your blade hedge
Observe all safety regulations when using this
power tool.
Fig. 9
The loop handle can be adjusted forward by approx.
25mm, if required for balance. For special
applications, such as for trimming edges, the loop
handle can be moved 90 degrees.
To lock the loop handle in place, simply tighten
knurled nut by hand and secure with lock lever (25).
Always hold the blade hedge trimmer carefully with
both hands and firmly grip the handle with your
thumbs. Utilise the shoulder strap. Hold the rear
handle with your right hand and the front handle
(“Loop”) with your left hand.
Ple a se n o t e : Before commencing work, check that
the loop handle has been safely secured using the
quick acting lock.
Approach the hedge with the power tool in the idle
setting and press the throttle before using the
cutter. Never raise the engine speed without load.
Always commence trimming with the cutters
moving. Do not "stab" into the hedge with the tip
of the cutter.
Fig. 8
Never operate in the slipping range of the clutch.
Damage through overload or overheating is
excluded from our warranty.
Take particular care when working near wire fences
and never touch the wire with the cutter.
Switch off the engine immediately the tool behaves
in an unusual way or if cuttings have become
entangled in the blade. Wait until the blade has
stopped. When the e n g in e is sw it ch e d o ff,
remove the entangled cuttings, undergrowth etc.
Before starting up the tool again, check the entire
power tool for safety.
The desired cutting blade angle can be attained by
releasing the cutting edge angle straining screw (6).
Always set the desired angle via the pivoting lever
(7). Never touch the blades when setting the cutting
blade angle. Tighten the cutting edge angle
straining screw (6).
Total adjustable angle 135°,
upward (in direction of the loop handle) max. 90°,
downward max. 45°
Using your blade hedge trimmer
Trimming procedures
7.3 Decorative cutting
Cut the hedge in several stages, if the hedge needs
to be cut back a great deal. Between the passes, cut
back thicker branches and twigs with pruning shears
The trapezoidal cutting pattern shown prevents the
lower hedge area from loosing its foliage due to
lack of light.
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Fig. 10
Firstly, cut the hedge to the desired height. Cuttings
can be freed from the hedge by a slight pendulum
action. To achieve a straight cut, a taut piece of
string is positioned in the hedge at cutting height.
Cut the hedge from below upwards into a
trapezoidal shape (to 1 m height. narrowed at the
top by approximately 10 cm). This prevents cuttings
falling onto that part of the hedge that has not yet
been cut, which may disrupt further cutting.
Cutting the top of the hedge
Holding the shears at an angle (max. 10°) at the top
of the hedge, cut the hedge across to the opposite
edge to allow the cuttings to fall to the floor.
Recommended position of the angular gearbox: up
to 45° angle to the hedge.
Fig. 15
Fig. 14
Fig. 11
Slightly bevel the top edge of the hedge; then cut
back the bottom of the hedge near the ground.
The correct time for cutting hedges is:
June and October
April and August
Fast growing hedges: approx. every 6 weeks from
May onwards.
Cutting the side of the hedge
Move the shears forwards and backwards vertically
to cut in arched movements, slowly advancing across
the hedge.
Recommended position of the loop handle: turned
90° into the higher cut direction.
To prevent the need for users to position themselves
immediately next to the hedge, we recommend the
setting of the angular gearbox at a slight angle.
Operating and maintenance instructions
8. Op e ra t in g a n d m a in t e n a n ce
in st ru ct io n s
Fig. 16
The maintenance and the repair of modern
machines as well as their safety-relevant assemblies
require qualified specialised training and a
workshop equipped with special tools and test
equipment. Consequently the manufacturer
recommends that all tasks not described in these
operating instructions be carried out by a specialised
workshop. That specialist has the required training,
experience, and equipment at his disposal, to
provide you with the most cost-effective solution for
such work. He will provide additional help in word
and deed.
After a running-in time of app. 5 hours, all
accessible screws and nuts (except the carburettor
adjusting screws) must be checked for tightness and
they must be retightened, if required.
8.1 Blade
Before hedge trimming and after cleaning, treat the
clean blade with maintenance and treatment oil.
We recommend the "Solo maintenance and
treatment oil" (Part no: 00 83 163).
Cu t t e r g e a rb o x:
With a grease gun, press about 20g gearbox flow
grease into the blade gearbox grease nipple (8) (3-5
To clean the blade after hedge trimming, we
recommend the use of "SOLO Universal-Reiniger
(Cleaner)" (Part no: 00 83 116). After a short period
of soaking in, the ingrained remains of cuttings on
the blade are soft and solvent. They can then be
removed easily with a cloth.
An g u la r g e a r:
With a grease gun, press about 10 g gearbox flow
grease into the angular gear grease nipple (5) (2-3
Clu t ch m id -se ct io n :
Check the blade at regular intervals and when
cutters operate unusually or if the blades are
jammed. For this, the engine must be switched off
and the blade must be stopped. Clean cuttings,
undergrowth etc. from the blade. Immediately
replace blunt or damaged tools, even if only slightly
With a grease gun, press about 20g gearbox flow
grease into the clutch mid -section grease nipple
(12) (3-5 shots).
8.3 Air Filter Maintenance
Contaminated air filters cause a reduction in engine
performance and increase fuel consumption with
more pollutants in the exhaust gas. Engines are less
likely to start readily with a contaminated air filter.
Sharpening the cutting blade
Sharpening of the cutting blade must only be
carried out by an authorised agent.
Carry out the following maintenance jobs regularly.
• Sharpening angle: 45°
Always sharpen towards the cutting edge
Fig. 17
Only work with a forward stroke
Following sharpening, remove the burr with a
whetstone and spray the blade with a
maintenance and treatment oil.
8.2 Gear lubrication
Re-lubricate the blade gearbox (8), angular gear (5)
and clutch mid-section (12) with SOLO "Special
gearbox flow grease" (part no.
00 83 180) approx. Every 20 operating hours.
Operating and maintenance instructions
Under no circumstances must the cutter be
driven at idle speed!
Before opening the air filter, close the choke
prevent dirt entering the carburettor.
Turn air filter lid (22) clockwise (viewed onto the air
filter lid), and remove the lid. Remove foam filter
(27) from the lid and clean the area around the
On ly q u a lifie d m e ch a n ics m u st a d ju st t h e
re g u la t in g scre w s fo r id le m ixt u re " L" a n d fu ll
lo a d m ixt u re " H" .
If the idling speed cannot be set correctly with the
idling end-stop screw "T", request an authorised
service centre to tune the carburettor.
Clean the foam filter daily, if the equipment is used
all day. Clean more frequently, if you are working
under very dusty conditions. Simply knocking the
filter casing or blowing dust from the filter bowl are
the best methods of daily maintenance. Immediately
replace the foam filter, if it shows any sign of
damage. Engine failure due to incorrect
Th e fo llo w in g in st ru ct io n s a re fo r a u t h o rise d
se rvice sh o p s
D-CUT carburettors:
maintenance and care are excluded from our
Use the D-CUT carburettor key to adjust the idle
mixture screw "L" and the full load mixture screw
"H". Check with our customer service team
regarding the basic setting.
Insert the new or cleaned foam filter into the air
filter lid. Position the lid onto the filter casing,
guided by the guide spigot, and lock into place with
an anti-clockwise rotation.
Carburettors with limiter caps:
The regulating screws for idle mixture and full load
mixture can only be adjusted in a limited range.
Never insert moist or wet foam filters!
The carburettor is tuned for optimum engine
performance. Use a rev counter to tune the
carburettor correctly!
Do not adjust the engine to a higher speed.
Excessive engine speed can lead to major engine
8.4 Carburettor adjustment
The carburettor has been adjusted optimally at the
factory. Subject to the operational altitude
(mountains or low lying areas), the carburettor may
require readjustment.
If the idle speed is correctly adjusted, the engine
should run without moving the blade. Slight
8.5 Information about the spark plug
Check the spark plug regularly after 50 hours of
adjustments of the idle throttle into the average
idle speed given in the specification can be made via
the idle stop screw "T" by following the instructions
below (the use of a tachometer is recommended):
Fig. 19
Fig. 18
The air filter must be clean to ensure correct idle
speed adjustment. Let the engine run until it is
warm, before making any adjustments.
• Press the spark plug cover (26) together at the top
and bottom, and move it away from the engine
casing by pushing it back.
If the engine idles too fast (in particular if the
power tool has already operated at idle speed),
turn the idle speed stop screw "T" anti-
• Disconnect the spark plug cap.
• Unscrew the spark plug and dry the electrodes.
The spark plug should be replaced after 100 hours
of operation or if the electrodes are badly worn.
If the engine idles too slowly (i.e. the engine
always dies in idle), turn the idle speed stop
screw "T" clockwise a little, until the engine
runs smoothly.
Do not turn the engine over while the spark plug
has been removed or the spark plug cap has been
Operating and maintenance instructions
disconnected from the high-tension ignition cable.
A spark may cause a fire!
8.8 Shutdown and storage
Preferably, store the equipment in a dry and secure
place with a full fuel tank. Open flames or similar
must not be nearby. Prevent unauthorised use –
particularly by children.
Spark plugs with resistor (thermal value 200) are
available in different brands under the following
For stops longer than four weeks the following
steps should be carried out:
RCJ-6Y or comparable.
The correct electrode gap is 0.5 mm.
• Empty and clean the fuel tank at a well-ventilated
Only use spark plugs, where the contact nut has
been firmly fitted. Loose connectors may produce
sparks, which can cause a fire.
• Start the engine with an empty fuel tank. Run the
engine until the carburettor is empty and the
engine stalls. Otherwise the carburettor nozzles
could become encrusted with residual fuel
mixture and make a subsequent start harder.
• Insert the spark plug into the cylinder head and
tighten it.
• Push the spark plug cap firmly over the spark
• Clean the power tool well (particularly the air
intake openings, the cylinder fins, the air filter
and the fuel filler area).
• Fix the spark plug cover with the side tabs to the
corresponding grooves on the engine casing and
snap them into place on the engine casing.
Before restarting the engine, check the high-tension
ignition cable for any damage to its insulation and
ensure the cable is connected securely to the plug
• Clean and maintain the cutter.
We recommend: clean with "SOLO chainsaw/saw
cleaner" (Part no: 00 83 116) and treat with
"SOLO maintenance and care oil" (Part no:
00 83 163).
8.6 Information about the silencer
Ensure the silencer is in perfect condition before
operating the machine. Never touch the silencer
while it is still hot.
Unsatisfactory engine performance, despite a clean
air filter and a correctly adjusted carburettor, may
well be due to a partially blocked or damaged
silencer. Please consult your specialist service centre.
8.7 Replacing the fuel filter
We recommend having the fuel filter changed
annually by a specialised service centre.
Fig. 20
A trained mechanic can carefully remove the fuel
filter via a wire loop through the fuel tank filler.
Ensure that the thicker part of the fuel hose on the
tank wall is not drawn into the fuel tank.
Operating and maintenance instructions
8.9 Scheduled maintenance
The following information is based on standard operating conditions.
For special conditions, such as prolonged daily use, the recommended maintenance
intervals should be reduced accordingly.
Ca rb u re t t o r
Air filt e r
Check idling speed
Adjust idling speed
Sp a rk p lu g
Check the electrode gap and adjust, if required
Top up
Ge a rb o x lu b rica n t
Bla d e
Clean and maintain
Co o lin g a ir in t a ke [casing
apertures between the anti-
vibration system (24) and the
engine casing]
Cylin d e r fin s
Fu e l t a n k
Fu e l filt e r
All a cce ssib le scre w s
(except for adjusting screws)
Co n t ro ls
(stop switch, throttle lever, half
throttle detent, starter)
Check function
Sile n ce r
Visual inspection
Visual inspection
Co m p le t e m a ch in e
Implement all maintenance jobs regularly. If required, authorise a specialist service centre to maintain the
machine for you. The owner of the machine is responsible for:
• Any damage caused by a lack of maintenance, incorrect or late maintenance and repairs
• Consequential losses - including corrosion - from incorrect storage
9. Sp e cifica t io n
Engine type
SOLO single cylinder two-stroke engine
Engine capacity
Bore / stroke
Engine power
35 / 30
1,0 / 7500
kW at rpm
Max. permissible speed
no load with cutter
Medium idling speed
Fuel tank capacity
Fuel mix ratio:
with SOLO 2T e n g in e o il
with other two-stroke oils
1:50 (2% )
1:25 (4% )
All-position diaphragm carburettor with primer and
integrated fuel pump
Air filter
Foam filter
Electronically controlled magneto ignition,
maintenance free
Total cutting blade length/Effective cutting length mm
Number of individual cutters top/lower blade
560 / 536
36 / 36
Distance between individual cutters
Blade stroke
Blade sharpening angle
Gear reduction
Total adjustable angle
upward (in the direction of the loop
90° / 45°
Weighted effective acceleration (ISO 7916)
Handle r.h. side / handle l.h. side
3,2 / 5,0
Sound pressure level LPeg (EN 27917)
Sound power level LWeg to EN ISO 3744
actual / guaranteed 95%
106 / 110
ready to operate (tank empty)
Accessories ; Parts subject to wear and tear; Guarantee
10. Acce sso rie s
12. Gu a ra n t e e
The manufacturer guarantees trouble-free quality
and will cover the cost of replacing parts which are
found to be faulty in material or workmanship
within the prescribed guarantee period after the
date of purchase. Please note that specific
guarantee conditions may vary from country to
country. If in doubt, ask your equipment vendor. He
is responsible for guarantee matters.
Acce sso rie s
Pa rt n o .
00 83 103
00 83 104
SOLO 2T engine oil
SOLO 2T engine oil
100 ml
1 l
SOLO 2T engine oil
In a metering bottle
1 l
00 83 105
00 83 116
00 83 163
We hope you will understand that we cannot be
liable for damage resulting from the following
“SOLO Universal-Reiniger”
500 ml
• Non-compliance with the operating
SOLO maintenance and
treatment oil spray can 300 ml
• Neglecting essential maintenance and repair
SOLO gear grease for hedge
00 83 190
00 80 432
• Damage caused by incorrect carburettor
Grease gun
• Wear in normal use.
Gloves SOLO Fit
99 390 1200
• Obvious overload by continuously exceeding
the maximum performance limit of the
SOLO leather forest boots
99 305 00 +
size (36 - 48)
• Using non-authorised tools.
• Use of force, incorrect treatment, misuse and
SOLO protective helmet with
face and ear protection
99 390 1100
• Damage from excessive heat due to dirt build-
SOLO forest and countryside
work jacket EN 340
99 303 000 +
size (2[s] - 6[xxl])
up around the cooling fan housing.
• Attempted adjustments and repairs by
SOLO Outdoor Knee-breeches
99 020 95 +
unqualified persons.
• Use of unsuitable spare parts or third party
parts, if these are the cause of the defect.
SOLO Outdoor dungarees
99 020 94 +
• Use of unsuitable or stale fuel.
• Damage caused by using the product in the
hire or rental industry.
11. Pa rt s su b je ct t o w e a r a n d t e a r
Normal cleaning, adjustments or maintenance work
fall outside the guarantee provisions.
Various parts are subject to application-specific or
normal wear and must be replaced in good time,
when required. The following parts are subject to
normal wear and are not covered by the
manufacturer's guarantee:
A service centre authorised by the manufacturer
must carry out all guarantee work.
• Air filter
• Fuel filter
• All rubber parts which come into contact with
• Clutch
• Spark plug
• Starter
• Cutting tools
In the best interest of continued technological
progress we reserve the right to change the design
and configuration of any product without prior
For that reason, no claims can be accepted with
reference to text and illustrations in this manual.
Made in Germany
Postfach 60 01 52
D 71050 Sindelfingen
P.O.Box 60 01 52
D 71050 Sindelfingen
Tel. 07031-301-0
Fax 07031-130
Fax +49-7031-149
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